Working with companies-representative offices-NGO’s

The head office of your company-representative office-NGO will be in our offices, located in the centre of Skopje. The complete business correspondence is conducted at the same address as well as all accounting procedures and all other actions for normal functioning of a company.

The method of executing the services is basically the system “request-confirm-report”.

On each your “request” for conducting an action, you immediately receive “confirmation” from our company including all necessary information for the way of executing the request (period, expenses etc)

            After executing the action we send you “report” to confirm the results of the action.

            In case you have some remarks after receiving the “confirmation” you can adjust the “request” or completely stop the action. This way, all possible misunderstandings will be avoided.

            The complete communication between the client and our company will be performed using the electronic mail with security connection.

This way, the client manages completely with the company and makes all

decisions independently according to the real conditions.

            In the request you can ask for executing any action that you are interested in:

·        Foreign trade and service

·        Internal trade and service

·        Representing at the customs

·        Representing in the ministries

·        Market research

·        Providing licenses for import, export and re-export

·        Participation in public tenders